Trending Teen Topics

Useful web links:

Your Teen MagazineParenting can get lonely when kids get older and the playgroups fade away. The glossy magazines usually focus on young kids, and we may find ourselves looking for new sources of answers to our parenting questions and concerns. Plus, more than ever, we want to feel like we’re not alone. Friends Stephanie Silverman and Susan Borison saw that, like themselves, other parents of teenagers were hungry for expert advice and nonjudgmental support. In 2007, we founded Your Teen Media to meet this need. Resources on the website include articles, social media, parent groups, mini-courses, videos and podcasts.

OCTOBER 23, 2021 The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.9 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.

Click here for dropoff location near you:  Find a Collection Site

Social Media:
What Selfies are Doing to Self Esteem (9/21/21)

Social Media and Self-Doubt - How parents can help kids resist the pressure (9/21/21)

Truth Initiative - Resources for parents and young persons who want to quit vaping (9/20/2021)

CDC Update on Vaping Related Illnesses (1/17/2020)

Info on EVALI (lung related illness) (1/28/2020)

The Vaping Crisis:  A Current Look at the Epidemic (11/13/19)

- Teen Vaping:  What You Need to Know (posted 11/12/18)
What you Need to Know Link

- JUUL Factsheet (posted 11/7/18)
JUULing: What Pediatricians and Families Need to Know

- FDA takes new steps to address epidemic of e-cigarette use (posted 9/14/18)
FDA Press Announcement on e-Cigarettes

-US warns liquid nicotine packets resemble juice boxes and candy (posted 5/17/18) 
6 ABC News story warning on liquid nicotine packaging

-From NBC News (posted 3/13/18) Teens Inhale Cancer-Causing Chemicals
NBC News story on teens Inhale Cancer Causing Chemicals e-Cigarettes

- From USA today (posted 2/20/18)
USA JUUL Vaping Device

- Concerns Explode Over New Health Risks of Vaping  
Science News for Students article on Concerns Explode Over New Health Risks Vaping

- Talking with Your Teen About Vaping: A Parent Tip Guide
Surgeon General ECigarette_Parent Tip Sheet

- #dontgetvapedin

- From the CDC 
CDC features on e-cigarettes on young people

Drugs & Alcohol

- What Parents Should Know About Teens, Drinking and Drugs (posted 11/12/18)
Child Mind Institute article on What Parents Should Know About Teens, Drinking and Drugs

- Potent Pot Raises Concerns for Parents (Dabbing) (posted 5/23/18)
Potent Pot Raises Concerns for Parents Link

- Heroin, Fentanyl & Other Opiods: A Comprehensive Resource for Families with a Teen or Young Adult Struggling with Opioid Use (posted 4/17/18)
Heroin, Fentanyl & Other Opiods Link

- Underage Drinking: Myths vs. Facts (SAMHSA information sheet for teens and preteens) (posted 4/11/18)
SAMHSA Underage Drinking Myth verses Facts

Hidden in Plain Sight- search this teen's room for clues that might indicate drug or alcohol abuse
Hidden in Plain Sight Link

- Keeping student athletes safe against opioids
Opiod Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet on Keeping Student Athletes Safe Against Opioids Link

- National Institute on Drug Abuse 
NIDA for Teens Parents: Facts on Teen Drug Use

- Marijuana Concentrates (Dabs): Information Pamphlet from the DEA
DEA pamphlet on Marijuana Concentrates

- Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS); as discussed by Dr. Jennifer Chuang during our vaping presentation
Recent Rise-Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome