The School Counseling Department of Moorestown High School provides
guidance and counseling services to all students from the time they enter high school
until graduation. Programs provided by this department are designed to
help all students develop their educational, social, career, and
personal strengths and to become responsible and productive citizens.
MHS school counselors help create and organize these programs, as well
as appropriate counselor interventions.
School Counselors both oversee and advocate basic human
rights in the educational process. As student advocates, the counselors
are committed to individual uniqueness and the maximum development of
human potential.
Code of Ethics
In serving our students the Guidance Department is bound
by school policy and also a code of ethics, which is derived from the
following basic tenets:
- Each person has the right to respect and dignity as a human
being and to counseling services without prejudice as to person,
character, belief or practice, regardless of age, color, disability,
ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status
or socioeconomic status.
- Each person has the right to self-direction and self-development.
- Each person has the right of choice and the responsibility for goals reached.
- Each person has the right to privacy and thereby the right to
expect the counselor-counselee relationship to comply with all laws,
policies, and ethical standards pertaining to confidentiality.
The School Counseling Department is committed to ensuring privacy and fairness to our school population.
High School Counseling Services
Over the past school year, the High School Counseling Office
has continued to offer numerous services to high school students and
their parents. The department provides guidance and counseling services
to all students from the time they enter high school up to graduation.
Counseling supports the academic component of the high school through a
series of both planned and informal activities. The goal of the guidance
process is to meet the individual needs of each student and to help
students achieve a productive high school experience. Services are
designed to help students with their educational, vocational, and social
College Application Process. In September, a program is scheduled for all seniors and their parents on the
college and post-secondary application process. Students and their parents learn about the
process and timelines for sending transcripts, test scores, and
counselor and teacher recommendations to colleges or other
post-secondary institutions. TCCi/Naviance is the college-planning web-based program used to provide an historical perspective to college acceptance of MHS students.
College Representative Visits. Admissions representatives from
colleges and universities visit our school to discuss their programs
and admissions information. These meetings are held during 12th period
in the Guidance Office. College visits are posted in Family Connection and the Daily Bulletin
College Planning Process. School counselors meet with all
juniors to begin discussing college and post-secondary planning.
Students learn what characteristics to look for as they are visiting or
reading about various institutions. A planning packet is distributed to
students to help them with this process.
Financial Aid Workshop. In September, a financial aid workshop
is held for parents who are interested in learning more about sources
for post secondary financial aid. The presenter discusses local and
state scholarships and explains how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
Scheduling Process. November also starts the scheduling process with the high school Program of Studies reviewed
by teachers, supervisors, counselors, assistant principals,
and principal. In December, subject area supervisors provide the
counselors with recommendations for class and level placements. The
Board of Education Curriculum Committee reviews Program of Studies recommendations. Students and parents can refer to the SAT Subject Test chart to help them identify appropriate SAT Subject
tests to attempt after the completion of specific high school courses.
Additionally, information about the NCAA for students planning on competing in athletics at the college
level is provided.
In January, the school counselors meet with all supervisors to review changes to their program. During in-school seminars,
students have an opportunity to review the course options with
department supervisors and/or counselors. Additionally, the students
review the program of studies options with his/her parents/guardians. An
evening meeting for the parents of incoming freshmen is held to review high school life, programs and expectations.
During February and March, school counselors schedule individual
conferences with students to discuss course options and to select
courses. In this initial meeting, course selections in the five major
subject areas are based on teacher recommendations. Course selections
are also based on New Jersey graduation
Professional Associations