NCAA and other Collegiate Athletic Information:
NCAA Registration for Juniors & Seniors
Student-athletes in the 11th grade who are hoping to play at the NCAA Division I or II levels in college must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. All student-athletes must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center prior to making any official school visits or receiving a written offer of athletically related financial aid with “D-I” or “D-II” colleges. You can register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Senior athletes who have not already done so, should register immediately. Visit the Guidance Office or see our Athletic Director, Mr. McColgan, if you have questions.
NCAA Links:
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) - Web site of the NCAA. Many useful links including recruiting calendars, lists of schools with particular sports, etc.
NCAA Courses - NCAA's List of Approved Core Courses (formerly form 48H). Use this site to check on which MHS courses are counted toward NCAA eligibility. You will need to enter 310825 as Moorestown High School's "6-digit CEEB/ACT Code".
NCAA Lists of Colleges by Sport and Division (NCAA) - Useful web site of the NCAA where you can search for which colleges have each sport and at what level/division.
2023-2024 Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete - PDF version available online of this useful guide from the NCAA for college-bound student athletes including eligibility, Clearinghouse, and recruiting information.
NCAA Eligibility Center Online - This site will provide you with information about initial-eligibility at NCAA Division I and II member colleges and universities.
NCAA Freshman-Eligibility Standards Quick Reference Sheet - PDF version of this informative hand-out.
NCAA Eligibility Presentation - PDF version of this informative presentation.
Other Collegiate Athletic Information: - is a web-based software that allows parents and student-athletes to easily track a student-athlete's progress towards meeting NCAA Eligibility Center requirements (formerly NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse) for both Division I and Division II.
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) - Information regarding athletics at NAIA colleges.
National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) - Information regarding athletics at junior colleges.