The involvement of American soldiers in direct combat during World War I (also known as “The Great War” and “The War to End All Wars”) began in April 1917 – continuing to the end of the war on November 11, 1918. During this brief yet critical time in the war and in world history, more than 100 students and graduates of Moorestown High School proudly served their country as part of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). The names of these students/graduates are enshrined on the World War I Memorial on display in the high school’s main lobby.
In remembrance of our honored brethren, a listing of those schoolmates who served during World War I - whose names are preserved on the World War I Memorial – is available for review by clicking on the link below. Those veterans whose names appear on the World War I Memorial will be identified with an "F" in the panel location column.
MHS Veterans List - Combined and Perpetual (Spreadsheet or PDF Accessible)
Three of those schoolmates who served during World War I - Russell Jones, Samuel Lippincott and William Snyder - gave their lives in the service of our country. The names of these fallen brethren are also honored in the Moorestown High School Gold Star Roll of Honor.
About the World War I Memorial
Little is known of the origins and display history of the World War I Memorial; officially titled “Moorestown Public School Roll of Honor.” Handwritten names on a pre-printed parchment, this framed document was likely on display at Moorestown High School until 1925, when a new wing was added to the Moorestown High School building (built circa 1914). As is likely during the preceding 60+ years, the memorial was placed in protective storage in the Moorestown High School archive from 1990 until 2008.
In the Spring of 2008, Mr. Joseph Buss, Sr., a longtime Moorestown resident, Moorestown High School graduate (Class of 1961) and Navy veteran, donated his time and materials in creating a display case within which the World War I Memorial would once again be available for viewing by our students, staff and community. In May 2008, Mr. Buss placed the framed document inside the display case and, with the assistance of his wife and MHS Media Center staff member, Mrs.
Joyce Buss, and Moorestown Township Public Schools Buildings and Grounds staff member, Mr. David Nuzzie, the completed memorial was mounted on the wall of the high school lobby for permanent display. The newly mounted memorial was officially dedicated during the annual MHS Memorial Day Assembly on May 30, 2008.

We offer our continued thanks to Mr. Buss and the entire Buss Family for their dedication and gracious donation of time, materials and support. We also offer our thanks to Mr. Nuzzie and to MHS Principal Mr. Andrew Seibel and the Moorestown Township Board of Education, who provided the necessary approvals to make this re-display of the World War I Memorial a reality.